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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Johan van Heemskerk

Name:Johan van Heemskerk
Died:Den Haag
Father:Reynier Claesz. van Heemskerck (1566 - 1633)
Mother:Geertruyd Cant (1575 - 1658)



Occupational addresses:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Identity MottoVeniam pro Laude
Religion DenominationReformed


Relation Modifier Date startDate end
contributed to the album amicorum of Petrus Scriverius
received contribution in album amicorum from Jacob Laurensz. Reaal
received contribution in album amicorum from Petrus Scriverius
received contribution in album amicorum from Petrus Cunaeus
received contribution in album amicorum from Aelius Everhardus Vorstius
received contribution in album amicorum from Johannes Meursius
received contribution in album amicorum from Thomas Erpenius
received contribution in album amicorum from André Rivet
received contribution in album amicorum from Caspar Barlaeus
received contribution in album amicorum from Daniel Heinsius
received contribution in album amicorum from Theodorus Schrevelius
received contribution in album amicorum from Willebrord Snel van Royen
received contribution in album amicorum from Gerardus Johannes Vossius
received contribution in album amicorum from Anna Roemersdr. Visscher
received contribution in album amicorum from George Rataller Doubleth
received contribution in album amicorum from Johannes (van) Brosterhuysen
received contribution in album amicorum from Pieter Cornelisz Hooft
received contribution in album amicorum from Samuel Coster
received contribution in album amicorum from Simon van Beaumont
received contribution in album amicorum from Jacob Cats ridder
received contribution in album amicorum from Constantijn Huygens I
received contribution in album amicorum from Hugo de Groot
travelling-companion of George Rataller Doubleth
travelling-companion of Jacob van der Burgh
lodger of Lijsbeth Lourens Reaal


External biographical records

Primary sources

  1. Album amicorum van Joh. van Heemskerck, Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek: KW 131 H 7
  2. Album amicorum van Petrus Scriverius, Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek: 133 M 5, s.n.: 164r
  3. Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Amsterdam: DTB-registers (toegangsnummer 5001), 7: 280, 7: 354, 453: 301 & 1047: 10

Secondary sources

  1. Bögels, T.S.J.G., Govert Basson : printer, bookseller, publisher : Leiden 1612-1630, [Bibliotheca bibliographica Neerlandica 29], Nieuwkoop: De Graaf (1992)
  2. Bloemendal, Jan, 'Openbaarheid en beslotenheid in een zeventiende-eeuws dagboek. Johan van Heemskerck en zijn Aenteijckeninghe (1640-1655)', in: Gabriëls, Jos, Huysman, Ineke, Kalmthout, Ton van & Sluijter, Ronald (eds.) In vriendschap en vertrouwen: Cultuurhistorische essays over confidentialiteit, Hilversum: Verloren (2014), pp. 165-174
  3. Blom, F.R.E., Podium van Europa. Creativiteit en ondernemen in de Amsterdamse Schouwburg van de zeventiende eeuw, Amsterdam: Querido (2021), 155, 165
  4. Breij, Mieke, Een vigilante familie. Het geslacht Van Beuningen in Amsterdam en Utrecht, Maarsbergen: Stichting 'Esse Non Videri' (2013), 226-227
  5. Elias, Johan E., De vroedschap van Amsterdam, 1578-1795 (2 vols.), Amsterdam: Israel (1963 [1903-1905]). <URL:>, volume 1: 76
  6. Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, Den Haag: RKD Images, 136966
  7. Verkruijsse, P.J. & Van Bork, G.J. (eds.) De Nederlandse en Vlaamse auteurs van middeleeuwen tot heden met inbegrip van de Friese auteurs, Weesp: De Haan (1985). <URL:>, 257
  8. Witsen Geysbeek, P.G., Biographisch anthologisch en critisch woordenboek der Nederduitsche dichters (6 vols.), Amsterdam: C.L. Schleijer (1821-1827). <URL:>, volume 3: 107