Dirck Graswinckel
Name: | Dirck Graswinckel |
Gender: | male |
Born: | Delft |
Died: | Mechelen |
Father: | Jan Graswinckel (? - ?) |
Mother: | Tiette Basius (? - ?) |
Occupational addresses:
Category | Attribute | Value | Date start | Date end |
Identity | Motto | Nemo ignavia factus immortalis |
Relation | Modifier | Date start | Date end |
Artistic | |||
portrayed by Michiel Jansz van Miereveld | |||
portrayed by Govert Flinck | |||
Friendship | |||
contributed to the album amicorum of Johann Philipp Mulheiser | |||
contributed to the album amicorum of Jacob Heiblocq | |||
travelling-companion of George Rataller Doubleth |
External biographical records
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/dbnla/gras008
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p069309396
- http://viaf.org/viaf/39409440
- http://www.biografischportaal.nl/persoon/01181848
- http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q5280819
- urn:rijksmuseum:people:RM0001.PEOPLE.17586
Primary sources
- Album amicorum Jacob Heyblocq, Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek: 131 H 26, s.n.: 191
Secondary sources
- Heesakkers, Chris, 'The Amsterdam Professors and Other Friends of Johannes Blasius: The Album Amicorum of Johannes Blasius, Amsterdam, University Library, Ms. V J 50', Lias 9 (1982), pp. 179-232. <URL: https://webdoc.ubn.ru.nl/tijd/l/lias/vol9_1982/amstprano.pdf>, 209
- Molhuysen, P.C., Blok, P.J., Knappert, L. & Kossmann, F.K.H. (eds.) Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek (10 vols.), Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff (1911-1937), volume 3: 489-490
- Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie, Den Haag: RKD Images, 2809: s.p.
- Th. Ć Th. van der Hoop, E. J., 'Eigenhandige aanteekeningen van Hans van Loon (1577-1658)', De Nederlandsche Leeuw 35 (1917), pp. 15-21, 55-61, 69-73
- Van Groesen, Michiel, 'Van vaandrig in Braziliƫ tot dichter in Dordrecht Het album amicorum van Johann Philipp Mulheiser (ca. 1603-ca. 1677)', De Zeventiende Eeuw 24 (2008), pp. 196-209. <URL: https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/_zev001200801_01/_zev001200801_01_0017.php>, 204