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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Nicolas Chevalier

Name:Nicolas Chevalier
Born:Sedan baptized on
Died:Amsterdam buried on
Father:Jean Chevalier (? - ?)
Mother:Maria Collas (? - ?)




Occupational addresses:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Religion DenominationWalloon Reformed


Relation Modifier Date startDate end
commissioned works of art by Romeyn de Hooghe
commissioned works of art by Adriaen Schoonebeek
has business relation with Jacques Tirel
has business relation with Henricus Spoor
has business relation with Pieter Bodart
received contribution in album amicorum from Petrus Schenck I
received contribution in album amicorum from Romeyn de Hooghe
received contribution in album amicorum from Karel de Moor II
received contribution in album amicorum from Adriaen Schoonebeek
received contribution in album amicorum from Jacobus Gadelle
received contribution in album amicorum from Simon Schijnvoet


External biographical records

Primary sources

  1. Bezoekersboek c.q. album amicorum van N. Chevalier, Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek: 134 B 1
  2. Het Utrechts Archief, Utrecht: Notarissen in de stad Utrecht (toegangsnummer 34-4), U093a050: 21
  3. Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Amsterdam: DTB-registers (toegangsnummer 5001), 132: 276 & 518: 49

Secondary sources

  1. Kleerkooper, M.M. & Van Stockum, W.P., De boekhandel te Amsterdam voornamelijk in de 17e eeuw: biographische en geschiedkundige aanteekeningen (2 vols.), [Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van den Nederlandschen boekhandel 10], ’s-Gravenhage: Nijhoff (1914), volume 1: 124-125 & volume 2: 1483
  2. Luijt, Janjaap, ''La librairie s'accorde assez bien avec mon autre négoces'. Nicolas Chevalier: verzamelaar, boekdrukker en penningmaker', Jaarboek Oud-Utrecht (2013), pp. 95-116
  3. Molhuysen, P.C., Blok, P.J., Knappert, L. & Kossmann, F.K.H. (eds.) Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek (10 vols.), Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff (1911-1937), volume 6: 269-297
  4. Van Eeghen, I.H., De Amsterdamse Boekhandel 1680-1725 (6 vols.), Amsterdam: Scheltema & Holkema NV/N. Israel (1960-1978). <URL:>, volume III: 73-76