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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Jacobus Goelet

Name:Jacobus Goelet
Died: after
Father:Frans Philipsz Goelet (? - ?)
Mother:Aaltje Pleunen (? - ?)




Primary sources

  1. Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Amsterdam: Archief van de Notarissen ter standplaats Amsterdam (toegangsnummer 5075), 4178: 214 (14-11-1696)

Secondary sources

  1. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York (3 vols.), [1: Marriages from 1639 to 1801 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam / New York City], New York: Genealogical and Biographical Society (1890)
  2. New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam and New York (3 vols.), [3: Baptisms from 1731 to 1800 in the Reformed Dutch Church, New York], Genealogical and Biographical Society: Genealogical and Biographical Society (1902)
  3. Sypher, Francis J., Liber A of the Collegiate Churches of New York, Part 2 Baptisms 1639 to 1697; Members 1649 to 1701; Marriages 1639 to 1701, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. (2015), 453, 562