Justus van den Nypoort
Name: | Justus van den Nypoort |
Gender: | male |
Born: | Utrecht circa |
Died: | Utrecht between and |
Father: | |
Mother: |
Occupational addresses:
- Rees (-)
- Praag (-)
- Wenen (-)
- Olomouc (Olmütz) (-)
Category | Attribute | Value | Date start | Date end |
Identity | Nickname (general) | Almanach | ||
Subject of painting | Allegorie | allegorieën | ||
Subject of painting | Architectuur | architectuur | ||
Subject of painting | Genre | genrestukken | ||
Subject of painting | Militair | veldslagen |
Relation | Modifier | Date start | Date end |
Education and training | |||
pupil of Petrus (van) Portengen | certain |
External biographical records
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p402188799
- http://viaf.org/viaf/289613876
- http://viaf.org/viaf/306302343
- http://viaf.org/viaf/311346431
- http://viaf.org/viaf/41655434
- http://viaf.org/viaf/95787510
- http://vocab.getty.edu/ulan/500017327
- http://www.biografischportaal.nl/persoon/66956093
- http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q25771500
- http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q38530823
- https://rkd.nl/artists/59632
- urn:rijksmuseum:people:RM0001.PEOPLE.17008
Secondary sources
- Groenendijk, Pieter, Beknopt biografisch lexicon van Zuid- en Noord-Nederlandse schilders, graveurs, glasschilders, tapijtwevers et cetera van ca. 1350 tot ca. 1720, Leiden: Primavera (2008)
- Thieme, Ulrich & Becker, Felix, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Band 25, Leipzig: Engelmann (1931)