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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Hanso Moll

Name:Hanso Moll
Born:Sneek baptized on
Died:Sneek circa
Father:Johannes Henricusz. Moll (? - 1623)
Mother:Botje Pietersdr. (? - ?)



Occupational address:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Subject of painting Illustratiedevotieprenten
Subject of painting Militairruitergevechten
Subject of painting Militairveldslagen


External biographical records

Primary sources

  1. Tresoar, Leeuwarden: DTB-registers provincie Friesland (toegangsnummer 28), 656: 639 & 665: 2809

Secondary sources

  1. Bakker, Piet, Gezicht op Leeuwarden. Schilders in Friesland en de markt voor schilderijen in de Gouden Eeuw, s.l.: s.n. (2008), (Proefschrift, Universiteit van Amsterdam)
  2. Groenendijk, Pieter, Beknopt biografisch lexicon van Zuid- en Noord-Nederlandse schilders, graveurs, glasschilders, tapijtwevers et cetera van ca. 1350 tot ca. 1720, Leiden: Primavera (2008)
  3. Wright, Christopher, Paintings in Dutch museums : an index of oil paintings in public collections in the Netherlands by artists born before 1870, Amsterdam: Meulenhoff; London: Sotheby Parke Bernet (1980)