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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Adrianus Junius

Name:Adrianus Junius
Died:Amsterdam buried on
Father:Cornelis Dirksz de Jongste (? - 1635)
Mother:Weijntjen Jacobs Keijser (? - 1626)




Occupational addresses:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Identity MottoO quam contemta res est homo, nisi supra humana se erexerit!
Religion DenominationReformed
Wealth Yearly income800--
Wealth Yearly income900--
Wealth Yearly income975--


Relation Modifier Date startDate end
professor of Wigardus à Winschooten
is assured by Isaac van Waesberghe
contributed to the album amicorum of Jacob Heiblocq
contributed to the album amicorum of Joan Leonardsz Blasius
not to be confused with Adrianus Junius
not to be confused with Hadrianus Junius
not to be confused with Adrianus Junius
not to be confused with Adrianus Junius


External biographical records

Primary sources

  1. Album amicorum Jacob Heyblocq, Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek: 131 H 26, s.n.: 145
  2. Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken (v/h Regionaal Archief Leiden), Leiden: DTB-registers (toegangsnummer 1004), 11: 039v (27-04-1634)
  3. Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Amsterdam: Archief van de Notarissen ter standplaats Amsterdam (toegangsnummer 5075), 520: 38v (19-03-1635)
  4. Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Amsterdam: DTB-registers (toegangsnummer 5001), 7: 100 (28-08-1636), 42: 150 (21-08-1639), 43: 378 (17-03-1658), 43: 442 (21-07-1660), 44: 51 (16-09-1663), 44: 204 (09-05-1668), 477: 199 (21-04-1657), 1100A: 52 (21-07-1643) & 1101: 105 (09-06-1670)
  5. Stadsarchief Rotterdam, Rotterdam: Archieven van de Notarissen te Rotterdam en daarin opgegane gemeenten (Oud notarieel archief) (toegangsnummer 18), 110: 186 (11-06-1634)
  6. Stadsarchief Rotterdam, Rotterdam: DTB-registers (toegangsnummer 1.02), 57: s.n. (30-04-1634)

Secondary sources

  1. Heesakkers, Chris, 'The Amsterdam Professors and Other Friends of Johannes Blasius: The Album Amicorum of Johannes Blasius, Amsterdam, University Library, Ms. V J 50', Lias 9 (1982), pp. 179-232. <URL:>, 211
  2. Houtsma, M. Th., Uit de Oostersche correspondentie van Th. Erpenius, Jac. Golius en Lev. Warner: eene bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de beoefening der oostersche letteren in Nederland, Amsterdam: Johannes Müller (1888), 81, 83, 85, 99
  3. SKILLNET project, Teachers of the Latin schools in the Netherlands in the early modern period: Appointments, salaries and persons metadata, curated by the SKILLNET project, (2022). <URL:>, p0362
  4. Van der Grient, J.H., 'Het Utrechts-Wageningse geslacht Junius in de 17e eeuw', Gens Nostra 37, nr. 11 (1982), pp. 401-410, 404