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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Willem Snellaert

Name:Willem Snellaert
Born:Utrecht baptized on
Died:Utrecht buried on
Father:Esdras Willemsz Snellaert (? - 1648)
Mother:Trijntjen Jacobs (? - 1686)



Occupational address:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Religion DenominationReformed


Relation Modifier Date startDate end
business partner of Lucas Simonsz. de Vries
business partner of Lambert Jansz Roeck
business partner of Gerrit Nieuwenhuysen
business partner of Trijntjen Jacobs


External biographical records

Primary sources

  1. Het Utrechts Archief, Utrecht: DTB-registers Utrecht (toegangsnummer 711), 2: 144 (12-2-1628), 5: 66 (30-11-1652), 5: 457, 97: 424, 123: 588 (19-12-1653) & 125: 58 (23-7-1666)
  2. Het Utrechts Archief, Utrecht: Notarissen in de stad Utrecht (toegangsnummer 34-4), U050a001: 29 (24-3-1652)
  3. Het Utrechts Archief, Utrecht: Stadsbestuur van Utrecht 1122-1577 (toegangsnummer 701), 2236-4: 778

Secondary sources

  1. Op 't Hof, Willem J., 'Lusthof des Gemoets in Comparison and Competition with De Practycke ofte oeffeninghe der godtzaligheydt: Vredestad and Reformed Piety in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Culture', in: Den Hollander, August, Van Veen, Mirjam, Voolstra, Anna & Noord, Alex (eds.) Religious Minorities and Cultural Diversity in the Dutch Republic. Studies Presented to Piet Visser on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Leiden: Brill (2014), pp. 133-149, 142