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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Moses Kosman ben Elijah Gomperts

Name:Moses Kosman ben Elijah Gomperts
Born: circa
Died: after
Father:Elia Gomperz Cleve (? - ?)
Mother:N.N. (? - ?)



Occupational addresses:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Religion DenominationJewish


Relation Modifier Date startDate end
has business relation with Caspar Pietersen Steen
is employer of Harmanus Conradt Mandelslo
Publishing and printing
borrowed typographical material from Isaschar Baer
bought typographical material from Nicholas Misztótfalusi Kis
lent typographical material to Asher Anshel ben Eliezer Hazan
lent typographical material to Moses ben Abraham Avinu
lent typographical material to Asher Anshel ben Eliezer Hazan
lent typographical material to Isaschar Baer
lent typographical material to Moses ben Abraham Avinu
sold printing press to Moses ben Abraham Avinu
sold printing press to Moses ben Abraham Avinu


External biographical records

Secondary sources

  1. Heller, Marvin J., The Seventeenth Century Hebrew Book (2 vols.), Leiden /Boston: Brill (2011), volume 1: xxxii
  2. Kaufmann, David & Freudenthal, Max, Die Familie Gomperz, Frankfurt am Main: s.n. (1907), 330, 331, 332, 336, 337
  3. Kleerkooper, M.M. & Van Stockum, W.P., De boekhandel te Amsterdam voornamelijk in de 17e eeuw: biographische en geschiedkundige aanteekeningen (2 vols.), [Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van den Nederlandschen boekhandel 10], ’s-Gravenhage: Nijhoff (1914), volume 1: 772
  4. Van Eeghen, I.H., De Amsterdamse Boekhandel 1680-1725 (6 vols.), Amsterdam: Scheltema & Holkema NV/N. Israel (1960-1978). <URL:>, volume V-1: 293
  5. Van Voolen, Edward, '1730 Nathan ben Simson of Meserltz's Prayers for the New Moon', . <URL:>