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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Johann Georg de Hamilton

Name:Johann Georg de Hamilton
Born:Brussel between and
Father:James de Hamilton (1640 - ca. 1720)


Occupational addresses:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Subject of painting Dierenpaarden
Subject of painting Landschaplandschappen
Subject of painting Stillevenjachtstillevens


External biographical records

Secondary sources

  1. Baumstark, Reinhold, Peter Paul Rubens: the Decius Mus cycle, New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art (1986)
  2. De Maere, J. & Webbes, M., Martin, Jennifer A. (ed.) Illustrated dictionary of 17th century Flemish painters (3 vols.), Brussels: La Renaissance du Livre (1994)
  3. Groenendijk, Pieter, Beknopt biografisch lexicon van Zuid- en Noord-Nederlandse schilders, graveurs, glasschilders, tapijtwevers et cetera van ca. 1350 tot ca. 1720, Leiden: Primavera (2008)
  4. Ten Doesschate-Chu, Petra, Im Lichte Hollands : Holländische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts aus den Sammlungen des Fürsten von Liechtenstein und aus Schweizer Besitz, Zürich: Verlagshaus Zürich (1987)
  5. Turner, Jane (ed.) The dictionary of art (34 vols.), London: Macmillan; New York: Grove (1996)
  6. Van der Willigen, Adriaan & Meijer, Fred G., A dictionary of Dutch and Flemish still-life painters working in oils, 1525-1725, Leiden: Primavera Press (2003)