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Linking cultural industries in the early modern Low Countries, ca. 1475 - ca. 1725

Adriaen Adriaensz. Gael II

Name:Adriaen Adriaensz. Gael
Born:Haarlem between and
Died:Haarlem buried on
Father:Adriaen Adriaensz. Gael I (ca. 1592 - 1660)
Mother:Maritge Campen (? - 1670)


Occupational address:


Category Attribute Value Date startDate end
Subject of painting Genrefiguren
Subject of painting Historiehistoriestukken


Relation Modifier Date startDate end
worked under commission for Jacob Willemsz de Wet I
Education and training
pupil of Jacob Willemsz de Wet Icertain


External biographical records

Primary sources

  1. Biesboer, Pieter, Togneri, Carol (ed.) Collections of Paintings in Haarlem, 1572-1745, [Documents for the History of Collecting: Netherlandish Inventories 1], Los Angeles: The Provenance Index of The Getty Reseach Institute (2001), 566 (boedelinventaris d.d. 7-7-1665)

Secondary sources

  1. Bredius, A., 'Het schetsboek van Jacob de Wet', Oud-Holland 37 (1919), pp. 215-222
  2. Groenendijk, Pieter, Beknopt biografisch lexicon van Zuid- en Noord-Nederlandse schilders, graveurs, glasschilders, tapijtwevers et cetera van ca. 1350 tot ca. 1720, Leiden: Primavera (2008)
  3. Meißner, Günter, Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon: die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker, Teil 47, München-Leipzig: Saur (2005)
  4. Miedema, Hessel, De archiefbescheiden van het St. Lukasgilde te Haarlem, 1497-1798, Alphen aan den Rijn: Canaletto (1980)
  5. Thieme, Ulrich & Becker, Felix, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Band 13, Leipzig: Engelmann (1920), 35
  6. Van Thiel-Stroman, Irene, 'Biographies 15th-17th century', in: Biesboer, Pieter & Köhler, Neeltje (eds.) Painting in Haarlem 1500-1800: the collection of the Frans Hals Museum, Ghent: Ludion (2006), pp. 99-363, 154-155
  7. Van der Willigen Pz, A., Les artistes de Harlem. Notices historiques avec un précis sur la gilde de St. Luc, La Haye: Mart. Nijhoff (1870)
  8. Von Wurzbach, Alfred, Niederländisches Künstler-Lexikon (3 vols.), Leipzig: Halm und Goldmann (1906-1911). <URL:>, volume 1: 563