Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert
Name: | Dirck Volckertsz. Coornhert |
Gender: | male |
Born: | Amsterdam |
Died: | Gouda |
Father: | Volckert Dircksz Coornhert (1490 - 1562) |
Mother: | Truytgen Clemensdr (? - ?) |
- Cornelia Simonsdr (? - 1584), s.l. circa
Occupational addresses:
- Italië (From circa until circa )
- Spanje (From circa until circa )
- Amsterdam (-)
- Haarlem (-)
- Keulen (-)
- Goch (From until circa )
- Kleef (From circa until circa )
- Xanten (From circa until )
- Haarlem (-)
- Xanten (-)
- Haarlem (-)
- Delft (-)
- Gouda (-)
Category | Attribute | Value | Date start | Date end |
Subject of painting | Allegorie | allegorieën | ||
Subject of painting | Historie | historiestukken |
Relation | Modifier | Date start | Date end |
Artistic | |||
commissioned works of art by Antonis Ketel | |||
portrayed by Hendrick Goltzius | |||
portrayed by Michel le Blon | |||
Business | |||
business partner of Jan van Zuren | |||
Education and training | |||
master of Mathias Quadt van Kinckelenburg | certain | ||
master of Philips Galle | certain | ||
master of Hendrick Goltzius | certain |
External biographical records
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/dbnla/coor001
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p069029911
- http://ta.sandrart.net/-person-1442
- http://viaf.org/viaf/62346432
- http://vocab.getty.edu/ulan/500030183
- http://www.biografischportaal.nl/persoon/03383962
- http://www.biografischportaal.nl/persoon/43039099
- http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q765465
- https://id.rijksmuseum.nl/31023877
- https://rkd.nl/artists/18183
- urn:rijksmuseum:people:RM0001.PEOPLE.30
Secondary sources
- Groenendijk, Pieter, Beknopt biografisch lexicon van Zuid- en Noord-Nederlandse schilders, graveurs, glasschilders, tapijtwevers et cetera van ca. 1350 tot ca. 1720, Leiden: Primavera (2008)
- Kurtz, G.H., 'De geschiedenis van ons vereenigingsgebouw "De Hoofdwacht"', in: Haerlem jaarboek, (1943), pp. 32-52, 36
- Meißner, Günter, Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon: die bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker, Teil 21, München-Leipzig: Saur (1999)
- Thieme, Ulrich & Becker, Felix, Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, Band 7, Leipzig: Engelmann (1912)
- Veldman, Ilja M., 'Keulen als toevluchtsoord voor Nederlandse kunstenaars (1567-1612)', Oud Holland 107 (1993), pp. 34-58
- Von Wurzbach, Alfred, Niederländisches Künstler-Lexikon (3 vols.), Leipzig: Halm und Goldmann (1906-1911). <URL: http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/wurzbach1906ga>