David van Hoogstraten
Name: | David van Hoogstraten |
Gender: | male |
Born: | Rotterdam |
Died: | Amsterdam |
Father: | Francois van Hoogstraten (1632 - 1696) |
Mother: | Hester de Coninck (1628 - 1666) |
- physician
- poet
- praeceptor (-)
- conrector (-)
Occupational address:
- Amsterdam (-)
Category | Attribute | Value | Date start | Date end |
Wealth | Yearly income | 1200-0-0 |
Relation | Modifier | Date start | Date end |
Artistic | |||
portrayed by Petrus Schenck I | |||
portrayed by Pieter Stevensz. van Gunst | |||
worked under commission for Olivier van Deuren | |||
Friendship | |||
contributed to the album amicorum of Petrus Schenck I |
External biographical records
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/dbnla/hoog002
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p070087822
- http://viaf.org/viaf/29826343
- http://viaf.org/viaf/305592079
- http://www.biografischportaal.nl/persoon/15368021
- http://www.biografischportaal.nl/persoon/61378955
- http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2218570
- https://id.rijksmuseum.nl/31052719
- https://rkd.nl/artists/498268
- urn:rijksmuseum:people:RM0001.PEOPLE.103483
Secondary sources
- De Haas, Anna, 'Nispen, Maria van', in: Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland, . <URL: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/vrouwenlexicon/lemmata/data/Nispen>
- Moes, E.W., 'Korte mededeelingen over Nederlandsche plaatsnijders, IV. Een "Album Amicorum" van Petrus Schenck', Oud Holland 22 (1904), pp. 146-154. <URL: https://archive.org/details/gri_33125006108027/page/n163/mode/2up?view=theater>, 148
- Molhuysen, P.C., Blok, P.J., Knappert, L. & Kossmann, F.K.H. (eds.) Nieuw Nederlandsch biografisch woordenboek (10 vols.), Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff (1911-1937), volume 8: 831-833
- SKILLNET project, Teachers of the Latin schools in the Netherlands in the early modern period: Appointments, salaries and persons metadata, curated by the SKILLNET project, (2022). <URL: https://doi.org/10.34894/MYYAJO>, p0648